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(For the minutes of previous meetings please see Minutes of older Meetings)

Parish Council meetings take place on the second Tuesday of every month at 7:30pm.  They are preceded by meetings of the Planning Committee at 7:00pm, if necessary.  Interim meetings of the Planning Committee are held on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 7:30pm if necessary. Meetings of the Finance Committee take place as required.


Parish Council Meeting – 7:30pm Tuesday 13th August 2024

All residents are welcome to attend and, for the first 15 minutes, raise matters of concern to them. 


  1. Apologies for absence
  2. Declarations Of Interest And Dispensations
  3. To Approve The Minutes Of The Meeting Held on 9th July 2024
  4. North Yorkshire Police
  5. Action Review
  6. To Receive Reports From Committee Chairmen
    1. Planning
    2. Roads And Footpaths
    3. Finance
    4. Allotments & Green Spaces
  7. Copmanthorpe Ward
  8. Speeding on Temple Lane
  9. Parish Council Email Address and Domain Name
  10. Neighbourhood Plan
  11. Yorkfield Lane and Tadcaster Road Site
  12. Rec Centre 2
  13. Blister Pack Recycling
  14. Accounts
  15. Items For Next Agenda
  16. To Confirm Date Of Next Meeting

The next Parish Council Meetings are scheduled to take place on Tuesday 10th September and Tuesday 8th October at 7.30pm in Howell Hall. To be preceded by meetings of the Planning Committee at 7.00pm if needed.  Interim meetings of the Planning Committee will also be held on 23rd July and 27th August if required.