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Copmanthorpe Story

This history was originally written for the benefit of the Copmanthorpe Village Trust, sadly now defunctCopmanthorpe Bookplate. There have been many requests since then for the Copmanthorpe Story – so here it is. More information has been found, so this book is now in an extended form. Particular thanks are due to the late Mr. Anthony Boynton Wood, former Lord of the Manor of Copmanthorpe, for his original research which provided invaluable information about his family and Lords of the Manor of Copmanthorpe, much of which was hitherto unknown. Thanks must also go to the former Copmanthorpe History Group who, many years ago, did a great deal of research. We must also remember those residents of Copmanthorpe, many of whom are sadly no longer with us, who provided first hand accounts of village life in the past.

download book in its entirety – copmanthorpe-story.pdf

The bookplate shown above was donated by Mr. Anthony Boynton Wood, the former Lord of the Manor of Copmanthorpe, who very kindly gave his permission to use the bookplate in this manner.