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St Giles Parish Church, Copmanthorpe

St Giles' Church

St Giles is a Norman church and probably the oldest surviving building in the village.

On the first Sunday of each month there is a 9am Holy Communion followed at 10:30 by a Family Service.  Holy Communion is held on the second, third and fourth Sunday of every month at 10.30am.  Any fifth Sunday is an A6:4 Group service (details of the venue can be found in the Copmanthorpe Village Newsletter). There is a Holy Communion every Wednesday at 9:30am

Access to the Church at other times may be arranged by contacting the vicar.

Monthly details can be found in the Copmanthorpe Village Newsletter.

Contact: Revd Geoff Mumford (office: 01904 708813 – vicarage: 01904 707716 – mobile: 07980 569450) or Revd Glenda Webb (mobile 07871 241933)

St Giles’ Centre is available to hire for meetings, parties etc.  Please contact Kevin Jarrett on or via the Church Office

Copmanthorpe Methodist Church

Copmanthorpe Methodist Church

Each Sunday there is morning worship at 10.30am.

There is an active church community with all age groups and styles of worship represented.

Details of forthcoming services are shown in the Village Newsletter.

The Methodist Minister is Rev Dr John Schofield (01904 861477, mobile 07923 043327).

The Methodist Church hall is available for meetings, parties etc.  Please contact Janet White on 704203 or email